Saturday, December 7, 2013

Where Does the Time GO!?

Have been pretty busy, but not forgotten, knew I would get these up eventually (a couple are even from last Christmas shoots, but I wanted to include, I got a new computer about that time, and these were on the old). Fun with all, love the babies, the families, and everything about the sessions. Looking forward to many more to come.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Sessions, Sessions, Sessions!

On top of all the fun I have day to day being "Mommy" I still love to get that occasional (Ha) photo session in. Sadly I don't get a chance to immediately update my blog like I would like to, but, every once in a blue moon (is there really such a thing) I have the opportunity to sit and "copyright" all the photos I want to put on my site. So after about being six months behind (and still not being able to include all the sessions I have done in this single post...arrrg!) here are some of the recent photos. Enjoy, and as always, thanks so much to everyone that has given me the opportunity to capture those special moments in your(and my) lives.