Wednesday, December 14, 2011

~ All Grown Up ~ : Central Florida Photographer

Wow! I cannot believe that I have known these two gorgeous teenagers since they were in diapers. Five years ago these two and their mom were in my wedding, and they still seemed like kids to me. I was absolutely blown away by both of them during editing and how much they have matured. Their parents are two great people, and they have done a terrific job in raising two wonderful kids. I love you guys.


1 comment:

  1. We love you too Bekah and Ben! Thank you so much for taking our photos and making it so much fun. Its easier to relax and be in the moment when you know the photographer as well as we know you.
    The kids love and adore you so much. You have become one of us over the years. Thanks again.
    Love you bunches.
    Beth Pugh
